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How to Decorate for the 4th of July (on a Budget)

Like most of us, I’ve been trying to cut back on my spending these days.  Instead of immediately, running out to Homegoods or a craft store, I’ve been rummaging around my home for decorating inspiration.  It’s amazing what you can create when you look at things in a different way.  Today, I am going to share some of my ideas of how to decorate for the 4th of July on a budget…

DIY 4th of July Burlap Banner:

4th of July chalkboard art and diy banner - How to Decorate for the 4th of July on a Budget. #4thofjuly #4thofjulydecoratingideas #chalkboardart #diybanner

I’ve seen all kinds of variations of these burlap banners at Pottery Barn, Etsy and all the craft stores.  Recently, I decided to make my own since I had some burlap wired ribbon left over from my patriotic baseball table.  In fact, I actually repurposed the burlap ribbon from that table…

Patriotic Placesetting with baseball on plate stack

As you can see, for that table setting, I folded the burlap so the baseballs could rest on each place setting.

To repurpose the ribbon for my patriotic burlap banner, I simply cut each of the ribbons in half and painted them in the colors of the flag.  I painted a blue star on some and red and white stripes on the others.

Red, White and Blue paint for a DIY patriotic banner. - How to decorate for the 4th of July on a budget. #4thofjuly #paintprojects #DIYdecor

Then I just folded each piece over a string of twine.  Since the burlap ribbon is wired, each flag stayed in place without having to sew or glue or anything.  Which is great…because I don’t sew.  Of course, if you plan on waving these things around in the wind or something, you will have to secure them a little better.  In my case, I just hung them inside my non-windy home…lol.

DIY patriotic banner hung on window pane mirror - ideas for cheap patriotic decor.

At first, I hung the banner across my window pane mirror but then decided to go with the chalkboard instead.  That way, I could also write a 4th of July message…another super easy and inexpensive way to decorate for the 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July on chalkboard with red white and blue burlap banner.

For those of you who are artistic or have beautiful handwriting, you can do so much with a chalkboard when decorating on a budget.  One of these days, I’d like to take a calligraphy class or at least work on my writing a bit…always room to improve, right?

Stencil on Burlap – 4th of July Decorating on a Budget:

Recently, I decorated a patriotic tablescape on the patio table. For the mason jar centerpiece, I envisioned painting small stars on burlap.  I didn’t want to try it free hand and didn’t have a star stencil…or so I thought.

Flags and stars on outdoor table

Well, if you read that blog post, you’ll know that I came up with a creative way to paint the stars on the burlap…

DIY star stencil on burlap - inexpensive patriotic crafts

Do you recognize that “stencil” above?  Well, it’s actually the drip tray from my Keurig machine and happened to be the perfect size I needed!  I just slipped it off the machine, stenciled away and washed it afterwards.  Like I said, you use what you have!

After I cleared the patio table, I decorated the kitchen windowsill with the mason jars.  As soon as the flowers in my yard bloom a little more, I’ll freshen these up with something more substantial.

Mason jars and flags on windowsill - how to decorate for the 4th of july on a budget - #4thofjulydecor #americanflags #decoratingwithflags

Make Your Own Patriotic Dough Stars:

Yes, here’s that baseball table again… This time, I’ll show you how I created those white stars you see down the center of the table…

Red, white and blue patriotic table setting

Have you seen those dough ornaments people make at Christmastime?  Well, they inspired me to make some 4th of July decorations out of dough.

Star cookie cutter - decorating for the 4th of July

Since we make tons of Christmas cookies every year, I already had a star cookie cutter on hand.  For the dough, I mixed 1 cup of flour, 1/2 cup of salt and 1/2 cup of water.  Then I rolled the dough out onto the cookie sheet, cut the stars and then baked them for about 30 minutes at 300 degrees.  I have seen several variations of this recipe and mine came out a little lumpy.  I guess I need to experiment a little more.

4th of July vignette on round tray

Originally, I planned on painting the stars in red, white and blue like the one above but then decided to paint them all white.  Overall, the white worked out better for the look I was going for on the baseball tablescape.

Decorate the Dog:

Here’s an inexpensive “project” to decorate for the 4th of July… If you have a patriotic banner, just tie it around your dog’s neck for instant doggie decor!  Actually, Rosie was just groomed and wanted to show off her new look.  We were all overdue for haircuts around here…

Golden retriever wearing a patriotic bandana - decorated for the 4th of July

Anyway, I hope my budget ideas on how to decorate for the 4th of July inspired you.  This year, the 4th of July will look a lot different for most of us…but there’s no reason not to celebrate (and decorate) a little!  Enjoy and stay safe!

Here are a few more 4th of July decorating ideas you might like:

If you are looking for some ways to decorate on a budget, check out these ideas:

Do you have any budget decorating ideas for the 4th of July?signature

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How to Decorate for the 4th of July on a Budget - simple DIY ideas using things you probably have. #diydecor #4thofjulydecor #decoratingideas


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    1. Awe, thanks Marty! Now I just need to work on my handwriting… Thanks for stopping by and have a happy 4th!

  1. Everything looks so nice, I love using burlap. Thanks so much for linking up with me at #AThemedLinkup 20 for All Things American (red, white, and blue), open until July 25. All party entries shared if social media buttons installed.

    1. Thanks Anita! We usually keep it pretty simple for the 4th but it’s nice to add a little red, white and blue. Thanks for stopping by!

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