Moving Forward into the Month of August – (Saturday Spotlight)

Well, we made it to August…Welcome to the Saturday Spotlight… If you’re a regular reader of my blog, then you may have noticed that I took a break from the Saturday Spotlight in July.  Normally, each week, I share a different theme or topic to inspire you.  This week, I’m just going to share some random things.  Next week, I’ll be back with more of a theme.

Recent Sad News:

Unfortunately, I have to begin with some sad news.  A couple weeks ago we had to say goodbye to our precious golden retriever, Rosie.  Our sweet girl had been fighting cancer for about 4 1/2 months and was doing pretty well right up until her last days.  Over the years, I know many of you have enjoyed seeing her on my blog and my Instagram feed, so I needed to share our heartbreaking news with you.

Golden retriever on seagrass rug

As you can imagine, my family and I are devastated.  I loved that dog more than words can describe and I will write a full tribute to her on the blog when I’m able. 

In the meantime, feel free to read some of my Rosie posts from happier times:

Betty White golden retriever quote

So, so true…

golden retriever, butterfly and hydrangeas

Now that all my hydrangea bushes are blooming, I keep thinking about how Rosie used to chase butterflies through them.  As the bushes filled in, she also loved sleeping in their shade.  I swear, everything I look at reminds me of her…

Please hug your fur babies for me.  Every day with them is truly a gift.

Recently on the Blog:

If you’re a fan of hydrangeas and coastal style, you’ll want to check out my latest coastal table setting ideas…

blue and white coastal table setting

Our blogger friend, Amber from Follow the Yellow Brick Home hosted a blog hop where I joined 12 bloggers to share our coastal decor.  My tablescape was just one of the many coastal ideas on the hop!  

August Flowers – Hydrangeas and Sunflowers:

For even more hydrangea inspiration, read my 7 Easy Ways to Decorate with Hydrangeas.

centerpiece with hydrangeas

In August, not only are the hydrangeas blooming, but so are the sunflowers.  For some sunflower decorating ideas, read my blog post – Blue and White with Sunflowers in the Foyer.

Sunflowers with blue and white porcelain

**Make sure you come back on August 20th to see how I’m decorating with sunflowers this August.  Update:  Read that blog post HERE:  Decorating with Sunflowers in the Fall.  Once again, I’ll be joining a group of bloggers – so they’ll be tons of inspiration!  If I can get my act together, I may also share some sneak peaks on my Instragram stories this week!

Now, to embrace the month of August,  here are some finds from around the internet:

Hopefully, your weather has cooled off so you can enjoy some time outdoors.  It’s still ridiculously hot and humid in New Jersey so I’ll be indoors enjoying the air conditioning!  Well, I guess that’s pretty normal for August!

What are your plans for August?


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Hello August


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  1. Shelley – my heart is breaking for you. I remember your posts from earlier this year and it sounds like she fought the good fight. There really is nothing like loving an animal; the fact that they are NOT human, but seem to connect with us so thoroughly is what makes them so incredibly special, and our bond with them so magical. Please know I hold you and your family in my thoughts.

    1. Thank you Kristine. I had such a hard time writing that part of the blog post. She’s been a part of my blog since almost the beginning so I knew I’d eventually have to share the sad news. We’re heartbroken but I am also thankful that we had an extra 4 1/2 months with her after her diagnosis. We did everything we could but it was just her time. Thanks for your caring comment.

  2. My heart is with you, Rosie will be waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge & its beautiful there you know…

  3. Oh Shelley —even though I knew about Rosie’s passing through Instagram this brought a fresh wave of tears. Every time I see a butterfly I will think of her 🦋. Praying for you and your family 🎀.

    1. Thank you Diane. Yes, you’ve been so supportive through this journey with Rosie. Sending hugs to you and your doggies.

  4. Shelley, my heart breaks for you –I am so sorry to read about your sweet Rosie. Anyone who has lost a pet knows the grief of that loss. The love they give us is so special, and they truly are members of the family. Sending comfort to you and your family during this difficult time.

    1. Thank you Amy. Yes, our pets are definitely part of the family and its so hard to say goodbye. Thanks for reaching out.

  5. Iam so very sorry for your loss. I can’t see for crying. I’d always wanted a Golden. I’ve had three now. One of mine passed away with cancer when he was only 6 years old. I have one now 11 and one 6. It’s so hard to lose something that you love so much. I truly know we will be with our beloved animals in Heaven. The Bible says our Lord is coming back on a white horse. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    1. Thank you, Linda. It’s been a tough month…I still can’t believe she’s gone. I’m sorry you had to deal with that awful cancer with your dog. They truly become a part of the family. Thanks again for your kind words.

  6. Darn those animals! They come into our lives, love us, and keep us company; and then we have to let them go! Our Boston was with us for 17 years but it was time for quality of life and not quantity of life (for us.). It’s been eight years and I still miss that guy! Love your ideas for August. I had an idea of green and yellow, now I know I am the right area/color scheme. thanks.

    1. Thanks, they really become a part of the family, don’t they? So heartbreaking. Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the rest of your summer!

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