Disguising the Uglies – A Simple Way to Hide the Laundry Room Hoses

As you know, I bounce back to my laundry room project every now and then.

Recently, I came up with a possible solution for a nagging problem…

No, Rosie is not a nagging problem!

(Although she is wet and smelly from all the rain today!)

Lately, I have been trying to figure out how to hide those hideous tubes and wires behind the machines…

Well, I shouldn’t actually say lately, since I obsess over this problem every time I am in there!

How awful is that?

I have read that the hoses have to be a certain height above the machine but why is it that I see all these beautiful laundry rooms all over Pinterest that don’t have this problem?  And it doesn’t help that I have a front loading washing machine which is flat in the back and does not hide anything!  To make it worse, we haven’t replaced the dryer to match the washer so it looks even worse!

Just lovely.

So, I was talking to my electrician yesterday about my idea to at least move this outlet further down the wall and out of sight.  He told me as a safety precaution, it has to be reachable in case of emergency.  He is scheduled to do some other electrical work next week so I will have him take a look and give me some ideas.  This area is such an eyesore!

Usually, I just keep a basket sitting on top to hide those awful hoses.

This helps but it’s not perfect.

Since I love the look of hanging pictures on a string, I decided to give it a try in here…

Not bad, but you can STILL see all the uglies behind them!

So I added back the basket to help with the hiding.

I am not sure if the pictures bring your attention to the wires and hoses or if they distract from them.

I am going to leave it like this for a few days to see how I feel.

What do you think? Are the uglies being disguised?



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  1. I understand, believe me. I have a similar problem, though our washer and dryer do have a panel on the back, so that helps, but not completely. I'm going to email you a picture of where our plugs are to see if your electrician can do the same for you (it might be a code thing, though). Anyway, in my research to hide the hideousness, I've found what I think is the best solution–a shelf that runs over the box for the hoses, then from the brackets I plan on hanging something, so maybe a bracket on either side of the "box" and two more on the other end to make it look intentional. Maybe this will give you some ideas. 🙂 ~Zuni

  2. Oops, don't see an email for you. You can go to my blog and email me if you'd like the info. 🙂 ~Zuni

  3. Hope the electrician can lower it a little so it is not so noticeable. Mine is not that high and mine is hidden in my Laundry Room. Great idea on photos and basket for disguising them!

  4. i love the pictures, that is a great idea, plus it reminds me of a clothesline, so perfect for laundry. not sure the basket is helping, though. good luck with this!

  5. really clever and cute idea…so glad to find your blog…going back to look around some more…:)Mariaelena

  6. Bingo! I think you've got a solution! I mean, how can one be preoccupied with the hoses (and I agree, it's not perfect ~ safety be darned!!) when a string of large, black and white photos of your precious four-legged child brings a smile to your face? Adorable! And the basket also is a good distraction. I'll be curious what your electrician tells you next week. Thanks for sharing!

  7. The worst solution? leave the fabulous pictures hanging! no basket needed. Your laundry room is pretty, neat and organized with photos for a focal!

  8. I am about to get started on our laundry room and I was just thinking about ideas on how to cover up that same box! What a great idea, this looks great.

  9. I really like this idea. Personal photos vs. cord conundrums – Winner is your pretty picture banner!Thanks for sharing,SuzannePieced PastimesPS-Would love to have you link this up to Saturday Sparks

  10. I love the photos hanging. The basket seems a little large for the space so I think I would remove it. What about painting the outlet and hose hookup the same color as your wall so that they blend in more? I'm a new follower so I look forward to seeing what you end up doing:-)Amelia

  11. Oh no I dont think they bring the attention to the wires.. I LOVE the hanging photos..and the basket as well.. What a great idea and it looks cozy I think..

  12. What a fun and creative idea to hide the yucky wires … you did a fantastic job! Love your basket, too! Such a great space!

  13. I have the same exact cord/hose set up. I've seen people hang a shelf back there that kind of hides everything but I haven't done it. Your pictures are really a cute way to deal with something that bugs you.

  14. Great idea! I love looking at pictures so this would make laundry cleaning a lot more fun!

  15. That is darling with the photos on clothes pins! I just use a linen lined basket.

  16. What a simple and cute idea. I'd love for you to come link up to my Sunday Blog Hop.Danielle @ Blissful and Domesticwww.blissfulanddomestic.com

  17. PERFECT solution Shelley! I love it. For my ORC reveal I built a box to go around the washer hoses, and painted it the wall color, but I agree, they are all ugly. I think I'll copy your idea- hope you don't mind! It's a compliment!xo NancyPowellbrowerhome.com

  18. Aw, that sweet pup had me at hello – perfect distraction! Honestly, I never even gave all of those hoses and outlets a thought until you pointed it out. I just went and looked at my laundry room and I think mine are a smidge lower, but I also have the old school washer/dryer. Besides, no one would notice my outlets with the mounds of laundry that are calling my name! That's another option for distraction. ;-)Looks great!

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