In Progress

I have had a crazy week around here.

Unfortunately, I have nothing finished to show you.

(Yeah, that really makes you want to keep reading!)

Anyway we are in the midst of renovating my office!

Here’s a peek at what’s been going on…

The hardwood floor boxes have arrived!  

As you can see, we ripped out the hideous carpet

and the new floors are sitting in the room to get acclimated.  

The first project in the room was the installation of the crown molding…

I am loving it!

It even looks good with the old wall color – which is Benjamin Moore Philadelphia Cream in case you were interested.  The color was fine when the room was a playroom but it’s going away real soon!  Today they are spackling the thousands of holes left by my two rambunctious boys.  

Let me tell you, it was not fun lugging that molding home the other day!  Since the room has a long wall, I thought it would be helpful to get the longest molding possible so there wouldn’t have to be many cuts.  I purchased 16 foot molding from Home Depot, had them wrap up all the pieces and when we got to my car the guy was like, “Um, how are you planning to get this home?”  I have an SUV and just assumed I could stick it out the back or something.  Well, I then discovered (after owning my SUV for 6 years) that the back window doesn’t even open.  It’s a hatch and I never realized the window was not separate.  Ooops!  Plus 16 feet is much longer than I pictured!  Anyway, I then returned all the molding and didn’t have time that day to repurchase the right size.  So, the next day I dragged myself back to Home Depot and bought 12 foot molding and STILL this was how far it stuck out the window…

I was so sure I was going to take out someone’s mailbox on the ride home!

Let me tell you, it’s not easy to drive like this!

But I made it home without knocking into anything

and I didn’t get pulled over for hazardous driving so I consider that a success!

Now I am down to the wire on my paint choice.  I am in an absolute panic about the color and have been back and forth to Benjamin Moore too many times to admit over the past few days.  I was so focused on all my projects yesterday that I didn’t even notice until I pulled into the parking lot that I had sports talk radio on the whole time.  My husband must have been using my car and I was so caught up thinking about everything that I didn’t even hear it!

How pathetic, the top two look the same.

I swear, it’s harder to pick a white creamy color

than it is to pick something darker.

You might remember, this is the look I am going for in my room:

For more details, see my post –

Office Inspiration from Ballard

I keep fluctuating between choosing a creamy beige color

and choosing a gray color.  

All I know, is I want to keep it light and beachy!

Decisions, decisions!  

Besides all this decorating stuff, I had to deal with my 9 year old coming down with strep throat over the weekend.  My 6 year old had it a few weeks ago and I thought the germ was outta here!  I guess not.  I hope I am not next!

So that’s where I am at the moment.

And when I say, at the moment I literally mean at the moment.

It is 9:54 am on Tuesday

and I am heading back to the paint store as soon as I hit “Publish”.

Any thoughts on paint colors for the above office plan?

Linking to:

Savvy Southern Style – Wow Us Wednesdays

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  1. I saw some of the wicker candle holder just like that at TJ Maxx yesterday (in your spare time). I love the saran wrap idea, can't wait till I have something I need to 'tie down' and pull that out of my trunk, my boys will die! 🙂 Good luck with the paint!

  2. Lucky you to get new floors. Love all your ideas. I love Linen White and White Sand by BM. White Sand is darker and is in my sun room.

  3. Shelley I love that design board and the direction you're going with this space!! BM Edgecomb Gray is a great greige if you're still looking for a color!

  4. Your room is going to look gorgeous when it's done.. As for the color, I was never a fan of white because for me it just seems to get dingy too quick.. I like the idea of a light gray though.. I hope your baby feels better soon!

  5. I think I may like the light gray color the best. We are thinking of that for my master bath redo. I love the trim sticking out your car window! I have been on many of those rides home myself! Enjoy your day.Michelle.

  6. Can't wait to see what color you decide on & hope that strep bug has hit the road!Amelia

  7. Oh how much fun!! I like grays, and if I could do it all over , I would choose gray…all over….Love where you are taking it.Nancy

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