Weekend Pupdate #35

When I woke up today,

I wondered if I would have

any amusing Rosie posts to write this week.

Things have been pretty uneventful around here

since last week’s mud-fest!

Then I decided to decorate the front porch…

And a certain frisky dog

decided to steal the pumpkins!

I am not sure what her plan was,

but she enjoyed carrying them around!

And she had the boys chasing her all over the yard.

She tried being clever

by hiding behind a bush.

But we eventually caught her.

But she wasn’t ready to give up.

She managed to drag the big pumpkin off the porch.

As you can see,

she is still in her chewing phase!

Has anyone sabotaged your fall decorating recently?

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  1. Your Rosie sounds a lot like my Sasha. She's still in her chewing stage as well and managed to do enough damage in our laundry room to have the floor replaced. I hated our old floor, so I secretly thanked her for that one! LOL! Rosie is adorable. I bet your boys adore her.

  2. She's so silly. They love to carry things around, don't they? On a recent walk, Alfie found a small towel someone had dropped on the bike path. He carried it all the way home.

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