A New Sign to Motivate Me

Today while the kids were at a play-date, I stopped by Bed Bath and Beyond and found the perfect wall art for the kids’ basement playroom…

C’mon down…

And why is this sign perfect, you ask?

Because the places listed on the sign are all the Jersey Shore beach towns we go to or have visited at one time or another!

How perfect is that!  And since I kind of have a travel/beach theme going on down there anyway, it fits right in… (Don’t ask me why the walls look so discolored in this picture!  Maybe because I have NO natural light down there and I used my cheapo camera!)

Although, there are a few things that need to be cleaned up and removed before I show you the rest of the room….

I think I will try to sell this train table on Craigslist or something.  It has just become the dumping ground for all their junk!  I am planning on buying a square game table with chairs to put in its place and I still have to find a new TV stand for the larger TV….since I’ve been talking about that for several months!

But at least the new wall art has got me motivated to work on this room again!

What are you working on today?


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  1. That sign IS perfect for you! I have yet to go to the Jersey Shore – it's on my bucket list for next summer. I'll have to talk to you about the best spots!

  2. I LOVE the Jersey Shore! We live in Chicago but visit family there every summer. One of my favorite spots is Cape May…so cute and quaint!

  3. Ahh being from NJ myself it's nice to see something familiar. Where in NJ are you from? I am in Bergen County.

  4. Oh, how I miss the shore. Our nearest beach is 6hrs away. Hope you guys are enjoying these last few weeks of summer.

  5. How much fun is that! I love having things around me that make me smile even if others don't get it…I saw your comment over at Marty's and ended up here. I'm a new follower :-)Hope you'll stop by my blog. Have a great weekend!Sherryxoxo

  6. That sign is just perfect for you! Can't believe you found it at Bed Bath & Beyond. Have a great weekend!

  7. Terrific sign! Kind of sad when the kiddos outgrow things like the train table — I'm sure that was a favorite pass-time at some point.

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