Weekend Pupdate #42

It snowed this week

and Rosie was thrilled!

 I don’t think she remembers playing in the snow when she was a baby.

Oh how I miss that puppy cuteness!

 She loved getting all wet in the slush on the driveway.

(And I just loved how she smelled when she finally came inside)

It was hysterical how she tried to catch snowflakes in her mouth though!

The snow melted pretty fast

and after a couple of days,

this little spot on the deck was all she had left.

(Yes, my deck desperately needs to be stained!)

So when is it going to snow again, Mom?

With all the cold weather,

she loved getting cozy by the fireplace!

And then was caught stealing another shoe.

Oh Rosie!

What was your weather like this week?

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  1. I love the last picture. Adorable. We have been in the upper sixties all week. I really wish it would get colder and feel like Christmas.

  2. Rosie reminds me so much of my furry baby! I have a black lab/retriever.Can't get him to stop grabbing the shoes!!!

  3. It's so much fun to see how dogs love to frolic in the snow isn't it? Rosie looks like she's loving it! We haven't had any snow yet this year, but hope we will get some so our dog (and us) can play in it too.

  4. I love her pupdates! Isn't it amazing how they all have the same characteristics, Rio still brings us shoes all the time! 🙂

  5. Ha! So cuuuuuute!! Wilson LOVES the snow…he runs buck wild when it snows and has been known to sleep in in too! Silly dog! Gosh, and I can't get over what a PRETTY Golden Rosie is…I love her coloring!

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