Tourist in Savannah

Every now and then when I go on vacation, I tend to act like a tourist…

A few years ago…actually maybe about 8 or 9 years ago, we took a trip down to Savannah, GA.

Owens-Thomas House

On this trip, we stayed with friends who owned a house on a golf course on Skidaway Island (just outside the city).

Right before our trip, I read the book, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil by John Berendt.  Since the novel took place in Savannah, I felt like I really knew the city after reading the book.

For some reason, I don’t have a picture of Mercer House though!  (The house from the book.)  You would think I would have remembered to photograph the house!

Anyway, I had to do all the touristy things…

Sit in some of the town squares.

Take a guided tour to all the historical homes…

Gingerbread House

Davenport House

Pose in front of the candy store on River St.

Eat at The Cotton Exchange overlooking the river. And dinner at a fabulous restaurant called Elizabeth on 37th – (no picture of that)

And eat lunch at Paula Deen’s restaurant, The Lady and Sons.  (This was their old location.  They have moved since then.)

And of course I had to meet Paula, ham it up for a picture and have her sign a cookbook!

Then I ended the weekend taking photos of all the famous statues.

And that is how I acted like a tourist in Savannah!

Have you visited the lovely city of Savannah?

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  1. I told my husband that after our trip to New York, I want to visit the South next. Hopefully, I won't have to wait another 20 years! I am jealous that you got to meet Paula Deen. She is one of my favorite Food Channel chefs! Her recipes seem a little heavy duty, but look oh so delicious!

  2. I'm dying to visit Savannah! And especially meet Paula Deen – she's my all-time favorite celebrity. You look so beautiful in all those pix!xoxo,Kim

  3. Yes Heather, the recipes can be a little heavy (she loves her butter…) but delicious! It was so nice to meet her – she was very gracious.

  4. Looks great! I am seriously considering visiting Savannah next month! Your photos make this look like a wonderful place to visit.

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