Weekend Pupdate #37
Oh Rosie, Rosie, Rosie….
What am I going to do with you?
This week the electrician was here to fix some of our landscape lighting.
You see,
“somehow” one of our lights was ripped right out of the ground,
wires and all…
I will give you one guess who I found chewing the light
on the front lawn.
The electrician fixed the wires, ordered a new light and replaced some light bulbs.
The yard was looking great.
Then this morning.
She struck again.
This irrigation drip hose was ripped right out of the ground.
This piece was pulled up too.
And as you can see on the right,
more wires were pulled up.
I was absolutely furious!
She knew she was bad and wouldn’t come to me when I called her. I think every person on my street must have heard me yelling, “Bad Dog!”
At one point, I just sat down on the step and cried. Of course I was already in a cranky mood from the gasoline fumes in the garage. You see, with the hurricane coming, my husband filled up the gas tanks for the generator and spilled gas in his car on the way home. I swear I can smell gas everywhere now.
So after I composed myself, I called the invisible fence company and made an appointment for an estimate to move the fencing. I no longer want that beast to have access to the front yard or the landscaping. We never should have allowed that in the first place.
I was just so angry with Rosie today.
I actually had to pull out the baby pictures
to remind myself how much I love her!
Ok, now I want to cry again…
Has anyone dug up your yard lately?
Dear Rosie, Your momma is a nice, loveing and extremely tolerant girl. It's high time for you to stop tearing out her landscape lights (I wish I had a few of those) and drip hoses (yep, need those too). You're lucky you're so darn cute! xoxo
Dear Amanda,My mommy says you can have my landscape lights and irrigation system if you take me with them!Love, Rosie
Oh no! Dogs can be so bad, but they don't really mean to be. One day I was talking to the neighbor with Alfie on a leash next to me. He reached over and yanked a small hydrangea right out of the ground! Lucky for him that plant wasn't doing well anyway. Those crazy dogs! Poor Rosie better find less expensive things to destroy!
Oh Rosie! If it makes you feel better, I happened upon a fresh "puddle" on our guest room this morning. Oh Georgia!
Oh Rosie! You're so pretty but you know you were a bad girl. Don't make Mom cry! Hope you all stay safe in the storm!
Oh dear Rosie, have you been taking lessons from my two dogs?! Last week they decided (goodness knows why) to try and get under the shed at the bottom of the garden, they have been digging a trench behind it for quite some time which we have just noticed. It goes nicely with the little holes they have dug all over the backyard…sigh, dog ownership! They keep us rather busy fixing up their 'mistakes' don't they! Hang in there 🙂 xo K
LOL! Our last two dogs were Chocolate Labs…can't tell you HOW many times they tore out our drip irrigation systems AND Malibu lights in the back yard. Would it make you feel better to know that our male Lab also had a knack for pushing our patio lounge chairs into the pool? Into the DEEP end of the pool? Did I mention that he did it more than once? LOL! (Do you know how hard it is to get a lounge chair out of the DEEP end of a pool?!?) I promise, SOME day you'll look back and laugh at this stuff. It make take a while, but eventually you will! (((HUGS))) to you and belly rubs to Rosie!
Oh Shelley, I was feeling so badly for you, but I'll confess she made me giggle! That puppy stage is killer!
Wilson was the WORST with digging holes!! I think it's a puppy thing, but boy did it make us mad! But of course, how can you stay mad at that cute face? I wish she was still a tiny puppy!!
Hi Shelly!!!Yes, I've had days like that too. What bothers me most is that Sasha knows that she is doing wrong. I feel hurt by her because she knows. Then like you, I see her puppy pictures and fall in love all over again. I'm like Natasha{schue love}, I wish Sasha was still a puppy.Have a great week!!Pamxox