My Favorite Chair(s)
I always love Alison’s “Favorites on the First” parties
over at her fabulous blog, The Polohouse.
While I don’t always have something to contribute,
I do enjoy viewing what other bloggers have posted.
This month, I can join the party!
The theme is:
“My Favorite Chair”.
I actually chose two…
I chose one for being pretty
and the other one for sentimental value.
Starting with the pretty one:
My Pottery Barn Seagrass Wingchairs!
I don’t sit in them all the time
but I love the way they look in a room!
I used to keep the Seagrass Chairs in the conservatory
where the pool table is located.
The room is flooded with gorgeous light most of the day and the chairs definitely played into the tropical feel I wanted. Seagrass always makes me think of the islands. Check out my post, Island Seating to see some of my tropical seating inspirations.
But I couldn’t leave well enough alone.
One day, I decided to move the chairs into the living room.
My living room also has a bit of an island feel
and I loved the way the chairs looked in there too!
See Restyling the Living Room for the big switcheroo.
I added the trellis pillows from the couch in there.
And bought the chenille tan pillows from Pottery Barn.
I have been happy with the placement of the chairs ever since.
I find that I sit on them more often now
because of the better conversation layout in this room.
In the conservatory, the two chairs just faced the pool table…
and we barely ever play pool!
Now for the sentimental chair…
The light blue rocker.
I could cry just looking at it.
This is my six year old’s room where the chair sat for the past several years. The chair is no longer in this spot. (sniff, sniff). When we bought him a desk, we moved the bookcase further down the wall and the chair was relocated to the basement playroom.
This blue chair played such an important role in both of my boys’ baby years. The chair started out in my older son’s room. I used to rock him to sleep in it, nurse him there everyday and rock him in the chair when he was crying. I remember our time in the blue chair being so peaceful and quiet. (Except of course, when he was crying!). But you have to realize, he was my only son at that time so the time spent in the chair was just us…no distractions…pure baby bliss.
When my second son came along, we moved the chair into his room where it stayed until last year. I used the chair in the same way for him…although with a toddler running around, it was hard to give baby #2 the same quality of peaceful time! Still we enjoyed it together and even as he grew older, we cherished the chair. On nights he had trouble falling asleep, I would snuggle him and gently rock him in it. When he was sick, the chair became a place of comfort for him. Sometimes for fun, he would want me to rock him while he sang to me! It was adorable because we used to sing a song from the Noggin show, Jack’s Big Music Show. (Noggin is now Nick Jr. for all you younger moms!). Anyway, there was an episode with a “Baby Bongo Bird” and we would sing the go-to-sleep-lullaby using those lyrics. Such a special time.
As I finish writing this,
I realize this little blue chair is truly my favorite!
Do you have a favorite chair in your home?
Head on over to The Polohouse to see more Favorites on the 1st!
Thanks for hosting, Alison!
Such a sweet post! I don't think I have a favorite chair. Maybe that is a sign that I need to go shopping;)
I love the pretty one. I understand how the other one makes you feel that way. I have a favorite spot to sit in. It's not the chair, but the view. It overlooks my garden. It is easy for me to plan and dream from this spot.
Ah, what a special chair. Maybe you can change out the fabric someday and find a place for it. Nate would approve :)Leslie (Gwen Moss)
So sweet, I love the blue rocker. It has been a long time since I rocked any of our three, they are all grown up!. Thank goodness we had a rocker, not sure how I would have done without one, definitely a nursery essential. Cherish your time with your little ones, will be teenagers soon, not as fun! I move things around my house all the time, have done it for years. My family must think I am nuts!
Love the seagrass chairs. They are awesome.. The blue rocker makes me think of a chair of my daughters that I gave to a girl to upholster so she could use it in her room since she is all grown up. The girl never gave it back to me and can no longer be found. Makes me sad. We cherish those special pieces.
I love your living room! So pretty! I don't think I had see it until now.
Love your PB chairs, your living room is beautiful!
Love your wonderful PB wing chairs. They are so pretty and they do look comfy. Hugs, Marty
I've always been attracted to the wingback seagrass chairs. Yours look wonderful in your living room. Sally
I love those sea grass wingbacks too!They look wonderful in your beautiful home — love the arch top windows. I think they work in both spots. Fun to have pieces you can move around!I had a very special glider rocker and ottoman that I rocked and nursed both of my children in, Shelley. I reupholstered the set twice to work in both baby rooms.Then I drove it to my sisters home 500 miles away so she could use it when she was pregnant. She nursed her two babies in it too.Memories. I wonder if she still has it!?Will have to inquire. :)Thanks for sharing at Favorites on the First, Shelley!
Sweet memories! I have several special chairs in our home, but just didn't get my act together to share this month. But I'm enjoying reading about the special chairs that belong to others. '-)
I love your seagrass wing chairs! I've been looking at some very similar to these for my sitting room, too! And, I love where you've placed them and that you're enjoying them more now. The little, blue chair is so sweet, as are the memories that come with it. Why do our kiddos have to grow up so fast?!
Love the seagrass chairs. I've always wanted a pair. They look great in almost any space. Wonderful addition to the living room. Thanks for sharing, liz
Seriously, sniff sniff, I adore your little blue rocker and it's special history. The PB wingback chairs are lovely, but really, it's the blue one that's the treasure!
I love the blue rocker. I can just picture a mother and baby sitting there together.